21st General Conference in Sibiu, Romania 2011

:: About Sibiu

Sibiu is a city with about 155,000 inhabitants in the very center of Romania, lying at about the same distance from the country's borders to the North, South, East and West.

Due to its strategic position Sibiu has remarkable economic development potential, being advantaged by its positioning on a traffic knot and also enjoying the benefits of an International Airport.

It lies at an altitude of about 430 m above sea level and has a temperate continental climate.

Few cities in Romania have the privilege to have such a rich history as Sibiu.

The first historic document referring to the Sibiu area dates as far back as 1191, and from its early times it has been a multicultural city where German, Hungarian, and Romanian citizens, as well as members of smaller ethnic groups, have lived together in harmony.

Sibiu used to be a flourishing city of craftsmen, manufacturers and tradesmen, but also a cultural city of tourism and arts, old buildings, defence walls and towers testifying of the thoroughness of the many generations of inhabitants who have lived there for more than eight centuries.

All these economic, social and cultural factors, combined with its strategic positioning and with the nice surroundings of the neighbouring mountains have made it to be one of the most important cities in Romania and an internationally famous and beloved tourist attraction.

Many people who have visited Sibiu once, enjoy coming again and again and discovering new aspects of this fascinating little city and its surroundings.
For more detailled information on Sibiu, you can check:


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