21st General Conference in Sibiu, Romania 2011

:: The 21st General Conference Session

Bulletin #9, September 8, 2011

Spiritual Messages

The morning worship was presented by Alwyn Vedhasingh, the Assistant Regional Secretary for Asia. The theme of his message was "Dare to be Different," based on 1 Peter 2:9. The audio is available at: Session Daily Worship

Following breakfast the Session reconvened for the business of the morning. Davi Paes Silva shared his thought for the day from Luke 7:1-10. Here we read of the experience of the centurion that asked Jesus to heal his servant. The centurion had a totally different understanding than his Jewish acquaintances. The Jews told Jesus that the centurion, "loves our nation and he has built us a synagogue." They trusted that they could buy the mercy of God by doing good works.

Verse 6 reads, "Lord, trouble not thyself: for I am not worthy that thou shouldest enter under my roof." He was telling Jesus that he was a military man and he could order his soldiers to do this and that and they would obey. The centurion saw in Jesus One that had much power and that could say one word only, and his servant would be healed. Christ was so happy because that centurion showed much trust in Him. The Lord is happy with us when we distrust ourselves and trust fully to Him. "I am not worthy, but I believe."

These points are essential to understand: I am not worthy, but I believe. When we ask Christ to take control of our life, and when we put our self-dependency completely aside, then we will be successful.


The main decisions from the session's proceedings for the day included plans for the African Region concerning the viability of establishing other projects and ministries at the Angolan Missionary School premises for the benefit of the entire region. These include ministries such as a natural health center, primary and secondary schools, natural food industries, etc.

In order to ensure wise administration of the Lord's goods, the need for the formation of a Fiscal Committee for the African Region by the incoming General Conference Council was decided by the Session. This committee will supervise the use of project donations for the African Region.

The Sabbath School Department's main tool of ministry, the Sabbath Bible Lessons quarterly publication, also came under review. A decision was taken to ensure that the quality and effectiveness of this tool remain high, that the lesson content be more concise, in simple language, and straight to the point.

Evening worship entitled, "Uproot Every Doubt" was conducted by Pavle Mikic from Bulgaria. You may listen to this message online at: Session Daily Worship

Bulletin Committee: Peter D. Lausevic, Paul Chapman, and Daniel Lee

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